General Information

Procurement Contracting General Information

CMRE’s Contracts and Host Nation Relations (CHNR) Office is responsible for all Centre’s procurement contracting from cradle to grave and all necessary customs related operations. The office head is also responsible to the Director for maintaining the institutional relations between the STO CMRE and the Host Nation Authorities for what concerns the status and activities of the Centre and its staff, including privileges, on the Italian territory.

All procurement activities are performed in accordance with the NATO Financial Regulations with the overarching goal to maximize competition to the greatest extent practicable amongst eligible sources. Business opportunities are open to all eligible firms of NATO member countries.

Gratuities & gifts: Please note that CMRE CHNR staff applies a “zero tolerance” policy with regards to acceptance of gratuities and gifts. Vendors shall refrain from offering gifts or hospitality – even of nominal value – to any CMRE staff member. Items received from contractors will be returned or donated to charity.

Click here to see a list of the currently open procurements

Standards Terms & Conditions for Procurement Contracts

The following set of clauses apply to standard CMRE’s procurement contracts:

Notice for Italian Vendors reference Electronic Invoices / Informazioni per le Ditte Italiane relativamente alla Fatturazione Elettronica

 I dati del CMRE per ricevere fatture elettroniche sono i seguenti:

Contact information for CMRE’s Contracts & Host Nation Relations Office

Postal address